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Gold open access

Green open access

(Sharing your subscription article)


1. Publish in an open access journal

2. or in a journal which supports       open access (hybrid)

1. Link to your article.

2. Select a journal that features an open archive

3. Select a journal that participates in CHORUS

4. Self-archive a version of your article


1. Public access is to the final published article

2. Access is immediate

1. Free access to a version of your  article

2. Time delay may apply (embargo period)


1. Open access fee is paid by the author, or on their behalf for example by their institution or funding body.

2. Fees range between c$150 and c$5000 US Dollars excluding tax, depending on the journal with prices clearly displayed on our Article Publishing Charge (APC) price list and on journal homepages.

No fee is payable by the author as publishing costs are covered by library subscriptions.


Authors can choose between a commercial and noncommercial user license.

1. Accepted manuscripts  should attach a CC-BY-NC-ND user license

2. Authors retain the right to reuse their articles for a wide range of purposes

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

在这里给大家简要介绍一个Green OA类的国产期刊:Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,它是由沈阳药科大学主办的一个杂志,2018年首次获得影响因子,为,对于主办方来说这是个挺好的一个成绩了。该杂志在2017年的发文量是,2018年的发文量基本持平,没有增加。今年发表的文章里,约都是来自,看来主要还是满足内需。感兴趣的朋友可以多留意一下这个期刊,有好的研究成果也给国内期刊做点贡献,沈阳药科大学可以帮你交OA费用!

2. 审稿至接收时间:最快的是43天,最慢的是130天,六篇文章平均接收时间为84天,将近3个月。算是比较高效的了。前后一比,二审需要两周时间

4. 分区情况:JCR分区Q1,2018年的中科院分区为医学类2区、药学类2区。也还行吧!

<p font-size:17px;font-variant-numeric:normal;font-variant-east-asian:normal;line-height:27.2px;text-align:justify;white-space:normal;widows:1;color:#0573af;border-color:#b6e4fd;letter-spacing:2px;background-color:#ffffff;box-sizing:border-box="" !important;"="" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px; word-break: break-all; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: 微软雅黑; font-size: 12px; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em;">5. 关注度:查了一下MedSci、LetPub和小木虫,除了MedSci有人点评之外,其他的尚未查到相关评论。说明关注的人还不太多,或许也意味着竞争要低一些。

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